Male voice

  • Volverán las oscuras golondrinas op. 164 (69 pages)
    Una historia de amor sobre rimas de Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
    (Song cycle for baritone + piano – language: Spanish)

  • Isfahan op. 115 (27 pages)
    (For baritone and string quartet – language: Dutch)
    (Setting of the famous Dutch poem by P. van Eyck ‘De tuinman en de dood’ (Death and the gardener, with some theatrical suggestions in the score)

    As the poem has been translated into many languages, there may be versions in other languages in the future. These translations were, however, not made to serve a specific melody. The translation of poetry already set to music was a subject I presented in 2020 in the St. Petersburg Polilog i Sintez Isskustv Congress. Read about this in my blog [link to blog]
  • Concerto poético op. 114
    (For baritone and string quartet – 6 languages: Slovenian, Dutch, Italian, German, Spanish, Russian; poems bt F. Preseren, P.N. van Eyck, Michelangelo, H. Hesse, G.A. Bécquer, F. Tyuttchev)
  • Der Erlkönig op. 111 (The Erl King) (47 pages)
    (For baritone and string quartet – language: German)
    [No Schubert arrangement]

  • Чёрная Шаль op. 32 (The black shawl) (22 pages)
    (Dramatic ballad for baritone and piano, on a crime passionnel. Text by A. N. Pushkin – language: Russian)
    ( Гляжу, как безумный, на чëрную шаль… [As of senses bereft, at a black shawl I stare…] )